Consultant Ophthalmologist Medical and Surgical Retinal Expert

Pioneering Teaching & Training

Professor Pearce Liverpool Ophthalmologist and retinal expert

Professor Pearce has trained numerous UK and international  surgeons through the St Paul's Eye Unit fellowship programme which is highly regarded as one of the most attractive training schemes in Europe attracting and training > 30 post accredited leading national and international ophthalmic surgeons in the most contemporary management of vitreoretinal surgical disorders. 

He is the Merseyside Programme Director for Medical Ophthalmology , and sits on the Joint Royal College of Physicians' Training Board for Medical Ophthalmology responsible for developing curricula.

He has delivered >20 invited lectures in past 5 years at national (e.g. Annual RCOphth Congress, Diabetes UK, Oxford Congress) and international meetings (e.g. COPHY,Euretina) and received several awards for his research and educational presentations.

He has been chief host organiser for RCOphth exams held successfully in Liverpool in 2012 and is a Royal College examiner examiner for Final Fellowship / Part 2 Examinations and Refraction modules. 

He sits several national committees including the Royal College of Ophthalmologists’ Professional Standards and Scientific Committees, the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board SAC for Medical Ophthalmology and the DVLA Visual Standards Panel. 

Recent Presentations

 Ultra-widefield Imaging

100% Optical, London Jan 2020

IPCV in Macula Clinics

Royal College of Ophthalmologist’s Annual Congress, Glasgow May 2019

Informing DVLA

College of Optometry Annual Meeting Keynote, Birmingham Feb 2019

Chair/DMO Consensus Pathway

Retinal Pioneers Summit, London Jan 2019

Chair/VR On Call Debate

British / Eire Association of Vitreoretinal Surgeons Annual Meeting, Liverpool Nov 2018

Disease Modification: What is the unique treatment goal for doctors/pts with diabetes?

DR Barometer Project European Workshop, Milan Sep 2018


Euretina Instructional Course, Vienna Sep 2018

OCTA in DMO – what is the potential ?

Heidelberg 2nd International Masterclass at EURETINA, Vienna Sep 2018


Royal College of Ophthalmologist’s Retinal Diseases Seminar, London July 2018


he use of topical antibiotics for the management of intravitreal injections

Retinal Pioneers Summit, London Jan 2018 

PCV – Diagnosis and treatment: What’s new? 

Royal College of Ophthalmologist’s Macular Diseases Seminar, London Dec 2017

Pneumatic Retinopexy Debate

British and Eire Association of Vitreoretinal Surgeons Annual Meeting, Durham Nov 2017

DVLA Notification: Who, When and Why? 

SAS Annual meeting, Doncaster Nov 2017


Chair and presenter, London Sept 2017

Real World Evidence in Medical Retina

Bayer Sponsored Australian Lecture Tour, Brisbane/Perth/Sydney Aug 2017 

PCV in the UK and the role of PDT 

Royal College of Ophthalmologist’s Annual Congress, Liverpool May 2017


Postgraduate Awards

NIHR North West Coast Clinical Research Team of the Year (2018)

National Clinical Excellence Award - Silver Award (2017)

American Academy of Ophthalmology Best Research Poster Presentation (2011)

“Evaluation of individual patient ranibizumab treatment based on a visual acuity stability concept in retinal vein occlusion patients.”

Ophthalmic Imaging Association Scientific Symposium Best Speaker Award (2008)

RCOPHTH Lecturer Award (2006)

North of England Ophthalmological Society Trainees Prize - Best Paper ( 1999 )

“ Three year visual outcome for treated stage 3 retinopathy of prematurity (ROP): Cryotherapy versus laser. BJO 1998; 82:1254 – 1259 ”

North of England Ophthalmological Society Trainees Prize - Best Paper ( 1997 )

“Does cryotherapy before drainage increase the risk of intraocular haemorrhage and affect outcome? BJO 1997; 81:563 – 567 ”

Royal Society of Medicine: Ophthalmology Section Trainees Prize - Best Paper (1997 )

“ Trends in management of Stage 3 ROP: Cryotherapy versus laser.”

Royal Society of Medicine: Ophthalmology Section Trainees Prize – Finalist (1998)

“A new technique for posterior subtenon steroid injection in the management of cystoid macular oedema”

Foulds Trophy Session, Royal College of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress - Finalist (1997 ) “Visual function after macular hole surgery.”

Undergraduate Awards

E.B. Noble Prize for Anatomy (1986)

Robert Gee Undergraduate Scholarship (Highest Pre-clinical Results 1986)

Distinction in Physiology (1986)

Medical Research Council Undergraduate Scholarship ( BSc Research Project 1987 )

Wellcome Trust Research Scholarship ( BSc Research Project extension 1987 )